Monday, March 7, 2011

Emerald City Comicon and Price and Prism

First of all, our cat Price is in hospital and stable, so that was a load off my mind.  He's eating and drinking, hopefully he'll start healing soon.

(Left) Me wearing my Ka-Blam shirt and showing the print-on-demand reprints of Bosom Enemies.  I ended up settling all the very nice proof copies on Prism Comics, to go to Chicago with them.  A few of those are a bit odd -- as in: One Of A Kind.

Prism will be my show reps from now on -- and if I'm at a show I'll be in their booth.  They're looking for women comics authors because their customers are demanding books from women.  And, as Zan Christensen of Prism says, "The booth looks a little strange with just men."


Met my oldest younger brother and Irish Twin, Don Colbert, for the first time in 30 years at the convention, and an old friend, Chris Clark.  (Me, Chris, Bud).

Cartoonist's Northwest's Scot Allan as the scary horror host clown, and my Stinz painting, available for sale.

Scot always had this insane English laugh, and when he's in this outfit, he's downright creepy.

The show was great -- I would have needed to be cloned to stop and talk as much as I wanted to with everybody, especially all the new and old friends and colleagues.


dcolb121 said...'z cum I have no chin in my pictures?


dcolb121 said...

Man, I take terrible pictures...

Donna Barr said...

YOU? The camera hates me. Look what it did to Chris! Or maybe I shouldn't say that.